Wednesday, December 14, 2011

GARLIC ROLLS ( without egg )

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera..apa khabar semua? moga sihat2 ajer..lama tuan umah cuti kan..ada yg merindui diri ini tak hihii..Ekceli yana agak kebizian sikit minggu nii..bizi jadi nurse My Laling yg xsihat..Dah 4 ari husben yana demam and sakit mata..Alhamdulillah hari ni dah ok sikit..bleh lah wife dia berfoya2 kejap kat alam maya ^_*

Tak mau cakap banyak..kita layan dulu Garlic Rolls and Creamy Chicken Soup bekpes kami 2 ari lepas..Serius cakap..mmg sedap gandingan Garlic Rolls dgn Creamy Chicken Soup nii..Hubby yana mkn non stop walaupun masa tu dia demam..semua benda lain xselera nak mkn..siap mintak suh bt lg utk esok..pe2pun tq pada Kak Ratna & Tun kerana berjaya goda Yana buat roti nii bersama Creamy Chicken Soup and tq jgk pd tuan empunya resepi..mmg best sgt ^__^

GARLIC ROLLS ( without egg )
Resepi: Suhaina
Sumber : Umm Mymoonah, Kak MaDiHaA & Tun_Telani

Ingredients: (makes 8 rolls)
3 cups Plain Flour ( MadiHaA guna tepung roti ( next time bleh tambah dlm 2-3 sudu besar tepung lg sbb doh agak lembik- yana tambah jugak )
1 cup warm water
1 tbsp yeast
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
2-3 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Garlic Spread ( refer below )


  • Mix everything together except oil with warm and knead until you get a smooth dough.
  • Add oil and knead until the dough springs back when you press with your finger.
  • Apply oil and allow to rise for 40-45 minutes. By this time it will be double its initial size.
  • Make Garlic Spread
  • Knock down the air in the dough and divide the dough into two equal portions.
  • Grease a baking pan or loaf tin with butter.
  • Roll the dough using a rolling pin. Apply flour to prevent sticking.
  • The rolled out dough must be least half inch thick.
  • Try to make it more like a rectangle. Apply one tablespoon of the garlic spread on it.
  • Roll it and cut it into two equal parts and further cut the two parts into two, so that you get 4 equal rolls.
  • Now place the rolls with the cut side up in the greased pan.
  • Repeat the same procedure for the remaining dough.
  • Apply the balance garlic spread on top and apply milk or egg wash which you prefer.
  • Sprinkle sesame seeds ( optional )
  • Allow to proof for another 20 minutes.
  • In the mean time preheat the oven to 180 degree, ( MaDiHaA guna suhu 170c )
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes until the house is filled with the aroma of roasted garlic and bread.
  • Take a bite into this lovely soft and flavourful rolls. You will surely fall in love with it.
  • The quantity of water depends on the brand of flour used. I sometimes use less than a cup, sometimes more than a cup for the same 3 cups of flour.
# I add 1 tbsp yeast for a quick rise. You can reduce the quantity of yeast ( say 1 tsp ) and let it rise slowly too. ( MaDiHaA uli guna BM & guna sukatan seperti arahan & dapati doh sedikit lembik agak sukar utk mencanai & menggulung. So, next time akn tambah sedikit lg tepung.

Used for making garlic buns, rolls and even can be spreaded on breads before toasting it.

50 gm salted butter
5 garlic ( chopped )
2 tbsp Coriander leaves - chopped ( yana letak dry oregano )
  • Bring butter to room temperature
  • Mix everything together
  • Can be stored in the chill tray for up to one week
Selamat Mencuba :-)


  1. salam yana...nmpk gebu n lembut je roti tu wpun xguna telur yer...

  2. kak yana cayang~~~ tun kat kampung nihhh... mmg blog berdebu sbb jarang nk ngadap blog. hihi.. pastu masak2 x amik gmbar pun.. sedap kan garlic roll nih ^^ tun pun dh buat lg sekali kt kampung nih, makan ramai2 sekali hadap je licin!

  3. alhamdulillah.. ada lagi yg sudi mencuba.. tak sia2 akak kongsikan resepi tu.. hehe.. tq gak pd empunya resepi.. akak pun nak buat lagi sekali ngan sup yg tun dok share tu... mesti lagi sedap kan? akak baru je blk dr kg ni.. masuk2 je blog terus nampak yana pos n3 ni.. hehe..

    p/s: moga husband yana segera sembuh..

  4. patowt la senyap aje...upenye dok jadi misi eh... musim2 ni memang mudah nak demam, nak sakit... yana pun kena jaga diri baik2 tau.

    cheq sue teringin jugak nak cuba buat ni, tapi kt kg ni kot deme tak makan pulak

  5. waduh ko Yana....tak berani nak cuba buat resepi begini, belum lulus lagi menguli tepung... hu hu huuuuu

  6. duh sedapnye....

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  7. salam yana..k,atie singgah.Ada roti tak lagi?

  8. Salam...wah rajin betul buat roti ek..sedap la..

  9. terasa-rasa lagi kesedapan roti ni..hehehe...rasa nak buat lagi tapi malas betul nak menguli...hehhee

  10. @Kak Liza>haah kak..mmg lembut dan sedap sgt..nnt akak cuba lah..xpuas mkn:=)

  11. @Tun>bestnya dpt mkn rmai2 kat kg..lg xcukup kan..seronok mkn berebut.. rindunya nk blk kg jugak ^^

  12. @Kak Ratna>rmainya blk kg..yana jer xleh blk lg..nnt cubalah kak soup ni..lg terangkat gandingan mantop nii :-)

  13. @Cheq Sue>Alhamdulillah hubby mkin ok..nnt cubalah Cheq Sue..mmg tua jarang nk suka roti cani kan..xpe..kita bt, kita mkn hihii

  14. @Kak Amie>hahaa..yana br blaja bt roti..bleh lah skit2 :=)

  15. @Konde> tq sudi singgah sini..nnt sy ke sana pula :-)

  16. @Kak Atie> yg ni abis laa kak..nnt yana bt lg ekss..kita mkn sama hihii

  17. @Rahel> saje merajinkan diri..dh terasa sgt nk mkn hehee

  18. @Kak Q>hahaa..mcm yana dulu jgk..dh ada bm ni senang skit nk mengguli..klu x mmg males :=)
